Friday, June 29, 2012

We Made It!

We made it into the Launch Networks training! We officially found out via video conference call yesterday June 28th that we passed the assessment and are starting the Church Planter training in August. The training that we will be going through will be covering 12 competencies of a healthy church planter. After six months, Lord willing, we will officially be Launch Church planters.

What does all this mean?
  1. We will be better equipped to plant a church in Portland, Or.
  2. Launch will be a conduit for financial support
  3. It will provided continual accountability and mentoring once on the field. 
What can you do?
  1. Prayer! Alyssa and I covet your prayers. We realize that we have been called to an amazing task that we cannot accomplish apart from the grace of God. So please pray that God would use this training to better equip us to be church planters and the specific work that He has called us to in Portland. 
  2. Support us financially. We ask that you would be in prayer about whether or not God is calling you to help support Alyssa and I financially once we move to Portland next summer. Also if you know of a church that would give me the opportunity to preach/share our heart for Portland please let me know.
  3. Core team. We need a core team of people who feel called to Portland to start a church. The more people that come with us the more relationships can be made and therefore more people can hear the Gospel. So I would ask if you feel called to come to Portland, Or?
  4. We need to sell our house. This is not a deal breaker as to whether or not Alyssa and I move next summer but it would be a huge plus! So please pray that God would provide a buyer for our house.
As we begin training and as things continue to progress I will post updates on the blog and Facebook.

By God's Grace,


Sunday, June 10, 2012


As some of you know Alyssa and I feel called to Plant a church in Portland Oregon the least religious city in North America. God has graciously been providing for us as we move toward what He has called us to. He has placed us at The Venue an amazing faith family who is fully supportive of us and has been and continues to be a place of encouragement, community, and love. Through The Venue we learned about The Launch Network an organization that The Venue was planted through. Launch is an organization that provides training and funds for those called to plant churches. Alyssa and I are flying to Las Vegas tonight thanks to The Venue to go through Launch's Assessment process. The Assessment lasts two full days and once through they determine if you meet their criteria for being a planter. If Alyssa and I pass we will be entered into a six month training/growth plan that is customized to us for our gift sets. If we make it through the six months then we will be approved to plant a church through Launch and they will provide funds for three years and continued accountability and training.

So we ask that you join us in prayer. Pray that God would give us wisdom and discernment and that His will would be done throughout this process. Also pray that we would learn everything we can to be more effective not only in Portland but in our day to day lives.

Also be in prayer about how you can join us in this journey by going or supporting us financially.

Grace and Peace,

Bo Baker