Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Interesting Quote

Interesting Quote I found that I feel is rather appropriate for my current situation.

“Sir, I understand that you are called an Arminian; and I have been sometimes called a Calvinist; and therefore I suppose we are to draw daggers. But before I consent to begin the combat, with your permission I will ask you a few questions. Pray, Sir, do you feel yourself a depraved creature, so depraved that you would never have thought of turning to God, if God had not first put it into your heart?”

“Yes, I do indeed.”

“And do you utterly despair of recommending yourself to God by anything you can do; and look for salvation solely through the blood and righteousness of Christ?”

“Yes, solely through Christ.”

“But, Sir, supposing you were at first saved by Christ, are you not somehow or other to save yourself afterwards by your own works?”

“No, I must be saved by Christ from first to last.”

“Allowing, then, that you were first turned by the grace of God, are you not in some way or other to keep yourself by your own power?”


“What then, are you to be upheld every hour and every moment by God, as much as an infant in its mother’s arms?”

“Yes, altogether.”

“And is all your hope in the grace and mercy of God to preserve you unto His heavenly kingdom?”

“Yes, I have no hope but in Him.”

“Then, Sir, with your leave I will put up my dagger again; for this is all my Calvinism; this is my election, my justification by faith, my final perseverance: it is in substance all that I hold, and as I hold it; and therefore, if you please, instead of searching out terms and phrases to be a ground of contention between us, we will cordially unite in those things wherein we agree.”

Charles Simeon, on his conversation with John Wesley

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Summer Reading

I figured since I haven't touched this blog since last year that I would post. Since this is my first pot in a while I figured I would be a copy cat and dot he exact same thing that my brother Hunter did on his blog and post about my summer reading schedule.

You might ask why post about what your reading this summer? My answer would be because I can and it may spark and interest for you yourself to read the same books.

I like Hunter used to hate reading but now much to the complaint of my lovely wife I love to read.

My goal this summer is to read a book a week with a few exceptions due to the page number of some of the books I have chosen.

So here the first few are ones I have already completed but are very good reads so I am going to include them in this list.

  1. Radical Together by David Platt: this book is short but a very good read concerning how the church as a whole should respond to the commands of Scripture
  2. Spectacular Sins by John Piper: Excellent must read! About how Sin in itself helps achieve the purposes of God
  3. The Gospel and Personal Evangelism by Mark Dever: A good book a little fundamental, but a good read for those who struggle with sharing their faith.
  4. The Justification of God by John Piper: This is an exegetical and theological study of Romans 9:1-23 dealing with election. I am currently in the middle of this book and it is thorough and very heady. I recommend this book for those who want a better understanding of election but not for those wanting an easy read. 
  5. Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxes: The biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer the German theologian Pastor who was also involved in plots to kill Hitler. Looking forward to reading this I have only heard good things.
  6. Lectures to My Students by Charles Spurgeon: A classic that has been on my shelf for far to long. 
  7. Religious Affections by Jonathan Edwards: Another Classic that has been on my shelf for too long.
  8. God is Not Great by Christopher Hitchens: This book is obviously by an atheist and I bought it along time ago after seeing a debate with him.
  9. Orphanology by Tony Merida and Rick Morton: Alyssa and I have a heart for orphans and adoption is a great picture of the Gospel so this book should be a good read.
  10. Proclaiming a Cross-centered Theology by Various: Self explanatory
  11. Counterfit Gods by Tim Keller: About the false Gods we so easily entangle ourselves in
  12. Tempted and Tried by Russell Moore: About how God through Christ gives us triumph over temptation
  13. Worldliness by C.J Mahaney: about not wanting worldliness
  14. Desiring God by John Piper: The classic has alluded me and will be read this summer
This list is ambitious but I know how I am and if I make a list and set out a schedule I'll actually do it. If one or more of the books strikes my fancy I may give a brief review on here.
